CHA HPMC is recognized for its commitment to providing high-quality stroke care
LA 할리우드 차병원(CHA Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center) 직원들이 한국 차병원을 방문했습니다. 이들은 차바이오컴플렉스(CBC), 차병원(분당, 강남, 일산, 차움, 서울역), 삼성리 연수원 등 차병원의 여러 시설을 투어하며 새로운 경험을 쌓았습니다.
Community hospitals play an indispensable role in providing vital care to patients and the broader community. According to the American Hospital Association, community hospitals encompass “all non-federal, short-term general and other special hospitals whose facilities and services are available to the public.” The core
미국 LA 할리우드 차병원 산하의 중증 요양병원 ‘샬레(Chalet)’가 2023년에 이어 2024년에도 ‘U.S. 뉴스 & 월드 리포트(U.S. News& World Report)가 선정한 ‘단기 재활 부문 최고의 요양병원(Best Nursing Homes)’으로 뽑혔다.
To raise the renown of K-medical, Korean hospitals are actively working to attract international patients.
Men and women differ significantly in both physical and emotional aspects. Consequently, even the same diseases can show variations in occurrence rates and patterns between genders. For example, arthritis is more common in wome
The Medical Staff Services team at our hospital plays a crucial role in ensuring the highest standards of care and professionalism among our medical staff.
At CHA Bundang Women's Medical Center, under the leadership of Director Kim Young-Tak, Professor Cha Sun-Hee's team in the Dep
CHA Bundang Medical Center Achieves 5,000 Cases of Multidisciplinary Treatment in the Shortest Time
CHA Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center has been named by U.S. News & World Report to its 2023-2024 Best Hospitals as a High Performing hospital for heart attack, heart failure, kidney failure, stroke, hip fracture, and pneumonia care.